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Episode 4: Where Was Oswald When the Shots Were Fired (Part 2)

Matt Crumpton

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

In the last episode, we focused on trying to identify Oswald’s location before the shots were fired. Today, we’ll turn our attention to Oswald’s whereabouts after the shots. Then, we’ll talk about the brief detention of military intelligence officer, James Powell and examine evidence that the power was turned off around the time of the assassination. After that, we’ll make a conclusion of whether it is likely that Oswald could have been in place to fire the shots from the sniper's nest on the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building.


This is Solving JFK. I’m your host, Matt Crumpton.

After the shots were fired, Officer Marrion Baker runs to the Schoolbook Depository Building and sees Oswald on the 2nd floor.

“I worked for the Dallas police department as a motorcycle officer inside the motorcade that day. I was approximately 6 cars back from the lead car of the motorcade. I was approximately 5 or 6 cars back from the lead car of the motorcade. I had gotten halfway between Main and Houston when I heard these three shots and immediately, I knew they were in front of me and high. And as I looked up I saw this huge flock of pigeons flying from the top of this building. I rode my motorcycle over to the corner of the intersection, parked it, and ran in the building. It took me very few seconds to do this.

When I got through the front door or the lobby of the building I asked where the elevators or the stairs would be. One man spoke up and said I’m Mr. Truly Im the building manager. Come on officer, I’ll show you. So, he and I continued into the building up onto the second floor. As we came onto the second floor, I saw a window in this doorway a man and movement.

So I went and opened up the door and this man was walking away from it. And the next room, I found out was a coffee room. I called to the man and he turned around. Mr. Truly was beside me and I asked if he worked there. He said yes he does. He was calm, ordinary. He didn’t look excited or anything like that.”[1]

Baker told the Warren Commission that there was nothing in Oswald’s hands when he saw him. When asked whether Oswald appeared out of breath, he said, “No.” When asked if Oswald was calm and collected, Baker responded, yes.[2]Truly, who was with Baker, said, Oswald “didn’t seem to be excited or overly afraid or anything.”[3]

When the FBI ran tests to determine how long it would take Baker to get from where he was when the shots were fired to the 2nd floor where he saw Oswald, they found it was 1 minute 18 seconds.[4] When they did the same test for Oswald, the FBI found that Oswald would have had to do all he allegedly did and get to the second floor break room in 1 minute and 14 seconds.[5]

So, it is surprising to hear Baker say that Oswald appeared normal, calm, and collected if Oswald just sprinted from killing the president on the other side of the 6th floor and was now standing there for only 4 seconds – the difference between the 1 minute 18 seconds it would take Baker and the 1 minute 14 seconds it would take Oswald.

The counterargument is that maybe the FBI got the time wrong and Oswald was there longer than 4 seconds. Or maybe Oswald is just good at pretending he is not nervous. I don’t know.

Some conspiracy researchers have argued that Baker wasn’t even on the 2nd floor when he saw Oswald. He was on the first floor. Where does this information come from? None other than Baker himself.

In an interview with author Gary Savage, Baker says that he encountered Oswald on the first floor and that the investigator from Washington contacted him, but he guessed that they weren’t interested in what he had to say.[6]Baker’s original story does not mention seeing Oswald through a glass window as the Warren Report puts it.

Initially, in his affidavit from the day of the assassination, Baker said this: As we reached the third or fourth floor, I saw a man walking away from the stairway. I asked Mr. Truly if he worked there and he said yes. It was a white man who was 5’9”, 165, about 30 years old.[7]

The fact that Baker himself is saying that he saw Oswald on the first floor and that he saw another man walking away from the stairway on the 3rd or 4th floor is wildly contradictory to the official story. On the other hand, Baker is saying these things years later – and who knows what his motivation is.


There are several witnesses inside of the schoolbook depository building whose testimony tends to support the idea that Oswald did not have time to run up to the sixth floor and run back down to the first or second floor without being seen by any other co-workers.

Chief among those witnesses is Oswald himself. When Oswald was asked what part of the building he was in at the time the president was shot, he said that he was having his lunch about that time on the first floor. Oswald also said “he went to the second floor where the Coca Cola machine was located and obtained a bottle of Coke for his lunch.”[8] So, according to Oswald, he bought the Coke for his lunch in advance. (We’ll return to the coke shortly.)

There are two witnesses whose testimony, if true, is harmful to the official story because what they say makes it impossible or highly unlikely for Oswald to be on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting or to be fleeing down from the 6th floor after the shooting.

First, Carolyn Arnold, a secretary at the School Book Depository, told the FBI on November 26, 1963 that on the day of the assassination, she saw Oswald standing in the hallway between the front door and the double doors on the first floor a few minutes before 12:15.[9] Arnold knew Oswald because he was in the habit of stopping by her desk on the second floor asking for change in nickels and dimes.[10]

Fifteen years later, Dallas reporter Earl Golz tracked down Arnold, who was still working at the School Book Depository. She told him that she “saw Oswald in the second floor lunchroom as she was on her way out of the Depository to watch the presidential motorcade.”[11]

When asked what Oswald was doing on the 2nd floor when she saw him, Arnold said, ”I do not recall that he was doing anything. I just recall that he was sitting there in one of the booth seats on the right hand side of the room as you go in. He was alone as usual and appeared to be having lunch. I did not speak to him but I recognized him clearly.”[12]

To make things even more interesting, according to Golz, the FBI did not print the correct time she said she saw Oswald. She told the FBI that she saw Oswald on the second floor at about 12:25 pm![13] She was surprised at what the FBI said her testimony was when she saw it.[14]

Arnold’s statement that she told the FBI she really saw Oswald on the second floor at 12:25 is a big deal, if true. It would make it highly unlikely that Oswald shot the president on the 6th floor five minutes later – though, still possible.

It was 15 years later when Golz approached Arnold. So, it’s not like it is a fresh statement after the event. But Golz, the reporter, was the one who approached Arnold. Also, how does a person forget something like that? What reason would Arnold have to be lying? She had nothing to gain as far as I can tell.

Vincent Bugliosi, in defense of the Warren Report, notes that Arnold co-worker Virgie Rackley, says she accompanied Arnold outside the building and did not see Oswald any time that day. But, really, this does not affect Arnold’s testimony because all Rackley’s testimony says is that she was outside with Arnold. Arnold says she saw Oswald before she went outside with Rackley and did not assert that Rackley also saw Oswald.[15]

For unknown reasons, Carolyn Arnold was never asked to testify before the Warren Commission.


Finally, let’s look at what Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles have to add to what we know about Oswald’s whereabouts within the book depository around the time JFK was shot. Adams was a book depository employee who testified that she went down the same stairs that Oswald would have had to traverse from the fourth floor to the first floor within one minute of the shooting and she did not see Oswald, Truly or Baker. The Warren Report concluded that Adams must have been mistaken about the details of her timing and ultimately discounted her testimony.[16]

According to Adams, she watched the motorcade from an open window on 4th floor of publisher Scott Foresman with her friend Sandra Styles (who was not interviewed by the Warren Commission).[17]

On its face, Adams testimony, tends to show that Oswald could not have come down the stairs from the sixth floor because Adams would have seen him or at least heard footsteps in the stairwell. But, because Adams did not see or hear Oswald on the stairs, her testimony puts a wrench in the official story.

However, the Warren Report specifically addressed why it found Adams testimony to be unreliable. It says that after Adams got down the stairs, she noticed employees Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady and told them what she saw in the 4thfloor window. Here’s the kicker: the Warren Report says the two men went to the railyard after the shooting and then returned to the TSBD before Adams saw them. So, if they had time to go to the railyard, Adams must be mistaken in what she said because she would not have seen them immediately after since they were at the railyard.[18]

Warren Report critics have noted that, in Shelley and Lovelady’s affidavits there is no mention of them running to the railroad yards after the shots – which one would expect to be included.[19]

Vincent Bugliosi says this is not a big deal because first day statements are typically very brief. He further argues that anyone who makes this argument - that the Shelley and Lovelady affidavits are not consistent with the Warren report - is misleading because the total statements were only one paragraph each. But, as Warren Report critic, James DiEugenio, points out - it wouldn’t have been very hard for either man to write “ I went over to the railroad yards? If they actually did go to the railroad yards.”

In later interviews, both Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles say that they left the rear of the office within seconds, “before the limousine disappeared beneath the underpass.”[20] Neither Styles nor Adams saw Lovelady or Shelley when they got to the first floor.[21] Adams says that she did get a chance to correct her deposition and she did not remember the part about seeing Shelley and Lovelady being in there. “If it had been in there, since I didn’t see them, I would have edited it out.”[22]

There is even more confusion over Adams affidavit and initial interview. In her November 25, 1963 FBI interview, Adams does not mention Lovelady or Shelley. But, in February 1964, Adams was visited by Dallas police officer, Jim Leavelle, who said there was a fire at the Dallas police department and her file was burned. He told her that the police needed to take her statement again. It was in this statement that Arnold is first on the record as saying she saw Shelley and Lovelady.[23]

To recap, Adams and Styles both say that they went down the stairs immediately after the shots were fired. There is only one set of stairs in the building. So, they would have been going down the same staircase as Oswald at about the same time.

The Adams and Styles statements are pretty strong in defense of Oswald not being in position to come down the 6thfloor. But where it gets really weird is the shenanigans with the Dallas police. The very first time the story about Adams seeing Shelley and Lovelady entered the record was after Jim Leavelle took her statement again 3 months after her initial record because her first statement happened to burn in a fire. So, the Warren Report critic argument is really that Adams never saw Shelley and Lovelady and the whole thing was a fabrication to undermine the truth.

Now, if this was one of only a few evidentiary anomalies in this case, I would write it off to coincidence. But, as you will see, there are many more. There’s even another weird evidence story about Adams testimony.

Researcher Barry Ernest went to the National Archives looking for the original stenographic copy of Adams testimony that is consistent with the final Warren Report story (including the part about Shelley and Lovelady going to the railyards). He found it. But the document is unsigned. Ernest asked National Archives why it was not signed and they said there are 2 versions of the documents and only the second version was signed after there were corrections. Then he asked for the tape recordings of the interviews and found out that the Adams, Lovelady, and Shelley tapes are all missing and cannot be found.[24]

One more thing on Adams, her story that she went downstairs immediately after JFK was shot is supported by testimony from Dorothy Garner, Adams’ Supervisor. In a letter from Mary Jo Stroud a secretary on the Warren Commission to its general counsel, J Lee Rankin, it says QUOTE:

“Miss Garner, Miss Adams’ supervisor, stated this morning that after Miss Adams went downstairs, she (Miss Garner) saw Mr. Truly and the policeman come up.”[25]

If the Warren Report’s story was correct, then Dorothy Garner would have seen Mr. Truly and Officer Marion Baker BEFORE Adams went downstairs. But Garner says it was the other way around – Adams went downstairs first.

The ultimate conclusion of the Warren Report was that Adams left the 4th floor “several minutes after Oswald.”[26] The Warren Report does not mention anything about Shelley and Lovelady failing to include their trip to the railroad yards in their first day affidavits.[27]


There’s another key witness whose testimony supports the idea that Oswald could not have been the lone assassin. Lillian Mooneyham says that she saw a man behind a 6th floor window of the Schoolbook Depository about 4 to 5 minutes AFTER shots were fired. According to the FBI Report, QUOTE:

“Mrs. MOONEYHAM estimated that it was about 4 to 5 minutes following the shots fired by the assassin that she looked up towards the sixth floor of the [Schoolbook Depository] and observed the figure of a man standing in a sixth floor window behind some cardboard boxes. This man appeared to Mrs. MOONEYHAM to be looking out of the window, however, the man was not close up to the window but was standing slightly back from it, so that Mrs. MOONEYHAM could not make out his features. She stated that she could give no description of this individual except to say that she is sure it was a man she observed, because the figure had on trousers. She could not recall the color of the trousers.”[28]

Officer Baker’s testimony helped to establish a timeline that, according to the Warren Report, put Oswald on the 2ndfloor within 1 minute and 18 seconds of the shots being fired. If Mooneyham is right, and there was - in fact - a man on the 6th floor four to five minutes after the shots were fired, we know that Oswald could not have been that man because he had already had his encounter with Officer Baker by that time and would have been on his way out of the building.

The police did not reach the depository to search for the assassin or evidence until around 1pm – about 30 minutes after shots were fired.[29] So, whoever that was that she saw would have likely been involved in the assassination. The Warren Commission did not interview Lillian Mooneyham.

Now that we have looked at all of the key witness statements, let’s put together our timeline of what happened based on those statements.

· At 11:30 Oswald asks Charles Givens to send the elevator back up to 6th floor so he can come down. (This is per Given’s original statement, not his final Warren Commission testimony.)[30]

· At 11:45 Williams and Lovelady see Oswald on the 5th floor and Oswald asks to send the elevator back up because he is coming down for lunch.

· At 11:50 Charles Givens (according to his first story) sees Oswald reading a paper on the first floor.[31]

· Also at 11:50 supervisor Bill Shelley sees Oswald on the first floor.[32]

· At Noon Eddie Piper, a janitor at the schoolbook depository, sees Oswald on the first floor.[33]

· At 12:15 a rifle is sighted for the first time in the window by a Dealey Plaza spectator – Arnold Rowland.[34]

· Also at 12:15 Carolyn Arnold, a secretary at the schoolbook depository, saw Oswald eating his lunch alone as usual. (This is the Warren Report timing.)

· Between 12:05 and 12:20 – Bonnie Ray Williams lunch ends and he leaves 6th floor. FBI interview says lunch ended at 12:05. But Williams tells WC it was around 12:20 and they agree with that time.

· At 12:25 Carolyn Arnold sees Oswald on second floor (per her later correction of the Warren Report to Earl Golz.)

· Around 12:30 the shots are fired at the motorcade.

· Immediately after the shooting, Jack Daugherty, who was on the 5th floor, took an elevator to the 6th floor. The elevator is within a few feet of the stairs and Daugherty did not see or hear Oswald coming down the stairs from the sixth floor.[35]

· Also immediately after the shooting, Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles run down the 4th floor stairs and do not see Oswald or hear anyone coming down the stairs (per their own testimony). If you believe the Warren Report, then Adams and Styles came down the stairs several minutes later, after Oswald had already had his encounter with Officer Baker.

· 75-90 seconds after the shooting Officer Marion Baker sees Oswald on the 2nd floor of the building in a break room (according to the Warren Report) or the first floor if you believe what Baker told Gary Savage.[36]

· 4-5 minutes after the shooting, Lillian Mooneyham sees a man behind a 6th floor window in the Texas Schoolbook Depository.


We looked at the statements and the timeline, but let’s dive in to one more disputed question that may help us make a decision one way or the other as to whether Oswald could have been in place for the shots: Did Oswald have a coke in his hand immediately after the shooting when Officer Baker saw him?

Why does it matter? If he did, then that means it would have taken him a few more seconds to buy the bottle of coke once he got to the second floor landing, which would be unlikely since Officer Baker said Oswald wasn’t out of breath. If he didn’t have the coke, it makes it more likely that Oswald could have sprinted down the stairs from the sixth floor where he allegedly saw Officer Baker on the second floor.

Oswald tells police during interrogations that he was on the first floor at the time of the shooting eating a Cheese sandwich (though he had gone up to the second floor to get a coke). Oswald also said he was drinking a coca cola on the second floor in the lunch room when the officer saw him.[37] But what does the record say about the Coke?

Almost a year after the assassination, on September 23, 1964 – Officer Baker signed an affidavit that he “saw a man standing in the lunch room drinking a coke”. In the affidavit, Baker crossed out “drinking a coke” and initialed the change.[38] Mrs. R.A. Reid, a clerical supervisor, saw Oswald walk through the clerical office on the second floor at 12:32 holding a bottle of Coca Cola.[39] Warren Commission senior counsel, Albert Jenner Jr said on WNYC TV on December 23, 1966 that Oswald was “drinking a bottle of Coke when the first policeman on the scene saw him.”[40]

Would Oswald have time to get a coke after shooting the president and running down the stairs and not be out of breath? Why would he get a coke? The Warren Commission decided Oswald had just barely enough time, after he shot the president t o hide his rifle in the opposite corner of the sixth floor and then run down four flights of stairs into the lunchroom. Yet, according to Baker and Truly, Oswald was composed.


In my research on the events that transpired at the Texas Schoolbook Depository that day, I came across the name of military intelligence officer James Powell. Powell is the guy who conspiracy theorists often cite as the intelligence operative that the police arrested and then let go. The idea is that Powell could have been one of the conspirators who shot Kennedy that day, but the police let him go as he was escaping.

So, what is the truth about James Powell? The only information that exists in the record about him are a famous photo that he took (which is included in the Warren Report volumes) and an interview that he did with the Assassination Records Review Board in 1996.

Powell told the ARRB that he took time off from work that day to see the president land at the airport and to see the motorcade in Dealey Plaza.[41] Powell was a sergeant in the 112th Military Intelligence Division, where his job was to conduct background investigations for security clearances.[42] His office was just blocks away from Dealey Plaza in the Rio Grande Building.

Powell, who was standing right in front of the Schoolbook Depository, used his camera to take a photo of the building, immediately after the shots were fired. Then, he went into the Schoolbook Depository building to use the phone to call his office to let them know what happened. At that point, he was detained by the police before he could make a phone call. About 45 minutes later he was let go.[43]

Given that there is no counter-evidence that proves Powell’s story wrong, I tend to believe Powell. I don’t have any reason to think he was involved in the assassination of the president. For those who say, well, he was military intelligence – isn’t that shady? My answer is “Possibly, if there is additional evidence to show his involvement in a conspiracy that day.” But, I just don’t see any here.

So, while James Powell’s presence is not a smoking gun, the one photograph of his that was shared with the Warren Commission does offer potential proof of conspiracy. Powell’s photo taken moments after the shots were fired was reviewed by the photographic panel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. They compared it with other photos that were taken before it, and concluded that QUOTE “There is an apparent re-arranging of boxes within two minutes after the last shot was fired at President Kennedy.”[44]

Now, the counter argument is that the photos were taken at different angles and that we really can’t be sure if the boxes were moved. But, the HSCA examined that argument and determined that it wasn’t credible. If you believe the HSCA that the boxes in the 6th floor window were rearranged in the two minutes after the shots were fired, then that is either one more thing that Oswald would have had to do before he went down the stairs and saw Officer Baker - one minute and eighteen seconds after the shots were fired - Or that’s not Oswald who is moving the boxes, which means that some other unknown person was.


One other thing that happened that day at the Texas Schoolbook Depository is that the power was suddenly cut off to the building right around the time of the assassination. We know this from the testimony of several witnesses.

Geneva Hines says that all of the lights went out and the phones were dead as the motorcade approached.[45] Sheriff Luke Mooney said that the power was on when he arrived, but was later cut off as the elevator stopped working while he was on it.[46] And Victoria Adams, who we talked about earlier, told the Warren Commission that the elevator was not working at the time she went down the stairs.[47]

I don’t have a clear theory for what this means. But, it is worth noting that the power apparently went out at the Schoolbook Depository right around the time of the assassination, but did not go out at any other nearby buildings.


So back to the big question for this episode: Where was Lee Harvey Oswald at 12:30 on November 22, 1963? Clearly, if Oswald was alive to stand trial for the murder, there would have easily been enough doubt raised through the testimony of Victoria Adams, Sandra Styles, Dorothy Garner , and Carolyn Arnold that puts a reasonable doubt as to whether Oswald could have been in place on the 6th floor at 12:30.

The testimony of Adams was dismissed by the Warren Commission. Arnold and Styles were both completely ignored by the Commission. I find their stories at least as credible as the Warren Report. Even if you believe that Arnold was lying to Earl Golz and she saw Oswald at 12:15 and not 12:25, if that were true, then Oswald could not have been the man Arnold Rowland saw holding a gun on the sixth floor at 12:15 because he was eating lunch on a lower floor.

Whether or not Oswald had a coke in his hand when Baker saw him, I am persuaded by the Warren Report testimony from Officer Baker and Truly that Oswald was calm and not out of breath when standing on the second floor. I find it unlikely that someone could shoot the president in one corner of the building, run to the other corner of the sixth floor to hide the gun, and then run down the stairs and be neither seen nor heard by witnesses (even though Styles and Adams were in the stairwell and Daugherty was next to it on the fifth floor) – only to encounter a police officer about 4 seconds later (according to the FBI’s reconstructed timeline) and not be out of breath. Oh, and from the record, it looks like Oswald probably bought a coke during that 4 second period.

On top of that, Baker later corrects what the Warren Report said and says that he saw Oswald on the first floor and saw someone else on the 4th floor who Truly said worked there, which was ignored by the Warren Commission. Carolyn Arnold says she saw Oswald on the second floor at 12:25, though the Warren Commission says she saw him on the 1st floor at 12:15.

Whether I find Charles Givens to be credible does not really matter because his testimony merely puts Oswald on the 6th floor 30 minutes before the shooting. I find Harold Brennan to be a credible witness, but he didn’t identify Oswald when given the chance in a line-up and he was looking up 6 floors to see him. To me, Brennan’s testimony stands alone and is not enough to overcome the other witnesses putting Oswald on lower floors at the time, or at least not fleeing from the sixth floor.

The testimony of Rowland, Worrels, and Walther establishes that there was someone with a rifle on the 6th floor of the school book depository building. But, Walther and Rowland testified to seeing two men together at the same time and Lillian Mooneyham says there was someone on the 6th floor four or five minutes after the shots were fired. The HSCA’s review of the James Powell photo also suggests that someone was moving the boxes shortly after shots were fired. If these claims are true, then the Warren Report conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman cannot be.

I asked some of the strongest Warren Report defending Facebook groups for their best argument that Oswald was in place to fire the shots. And aside from the Brennan and Givens testimony, the primary point made in defense of the Warren Report regarding Oswald’s ability to be in place to fire the shots - is that all of the other evidence in the case shows that it was Oswald - his gun, the fact that he killed Tippit, the fact that he fought with the cop and had a gun when he was arrested, etc.). All of the other disputed issues that we haven’t gotten to yet.

The testimony regarding Oswald's whereabouts when the shots were fired is cloudy enough that if, all the other evidence is overwhelmingly against Oswald and it looks like he did it, I understand how you could believe that Oswald was in place to fire the shots. Someone had to fire them. And if not Oswald, then who?

Just remember that this is one disputed issue among many that we will be covering this season. The answer to whether Oswald likely could have been in place to fire the shots is a big issue, but we can’t decide on the case as a whole until we review all of the evidence.

But, having said that, Ultimately, based on the testimony of Rowland, Arnold, Adams, Baker, Mooneyham, and the Powell Photo, I conclude that Oswald could not likely have been in place to fire the shots from the Southeast corner of the sixth floor of the school book depository building. It’s not open and shut. Reasonable people can disagree. But, to me, the weight of the evidence leans in that direction. What do you think?

Next episode on Solving JFK: we’ll continue our examination of the events at the Schoolbook Depository Building that day. How and when did Oswald allegedly get the rifle in to the building? Did any witnesses see anyone fleeing from the the Building after the shooting? Where did Oswald go after the shooting?

See you next time.

[1] The Men Who Killed Kennedy, Nigel Turner (1988) Part 4 (The Patsy), Officer Marrion Baker at 10:45. [2] Officer Marrion Baker Testimony to the Warren Commission - [3] Roy Truly Testimony to the Warren Commission - [4] Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After The Fact, at 70 (citing Warren Report at 149-156, 648) [5] Warren Report at 152 – [6] Gary Savage, JFK: First Day Evidence (1993), p 365. [7]Affidavit of Marrion Baker, November 22, 1963 - [8] Warren Report at 600 - [9] Warren Report, CD 5, p41 [10] Earl Golz, “Was Oswald in Window?” Dallas Morning News (November 36, 1978), p 13A. - [11] Id. [12] Id. [13] Id. [14] Id. [15] Vincent Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, p 831 [16] Warren Report at 154 - [17] Victoria Adams Warren Commission Testimony - [18] James DiEugenio, Reclaiming Parkland (2013), p 92. [19] Id. [20] Barry Ernest, The Girl on the Stairs, p218 [21] Id. at p36, 219 [22] Id. At 215 [23] DiEugenio at p95. [24] Id. At 96. [25] Letter from Mary Jo Stroud to J Lee Rankin, June 2, 1964 - [26] Warren Report, p 154. - [27] DiEugenio at 93. [28] FBI Report re Lillian Mooneyham, January 10, 1964 - [29] Warren Report at 79. - [30] Charles Givens Affidavit, November 22, 1963 - [31] CE 2003, p27, CD 5, p329 [32] Willam Shelley Warren Commission Testimony - [33] Eddie Piper Warren Commission Testimony - [34] Affidavit of Arnold Rowland, November 22, 1963 - [35] Warren Commission, Vol 6, p 330 [36] Savage, p 365. [37] Oswald interrogation summary, 11/22/63 from Captain Will Fritz - [38] CE 3076 - [39] Douglass at 286 [40] Meagher at 226 [41], at 4 [42], at 1 [43] Id. [44] [45] [46] [47]

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