Ep 22: The Murder of J.D. Tippit (Part 2)
Ep 21: The Murder of J.D. Tippit (Part 1)
Ep 20: Oswald as a Shooter and Dealey Plaza Limo Issues
Ep 19: The Medical Evidence Part 7 - Conclusions
Ep 18: The Medical Evidence Part 6 (Ballistics, Body Alteration, and Burkley)
Ep 17: Medical Evidence Part 5 (Allegations of Forgery)
Ep 16: The Medical Evidence Part 4 (The Head Wound)
Ep 15: Medical Evidence Part 3 (Single Bullet Theory Part 3)
Ep 14: Medical Evidence Part 2 (Single Bullet Theory Part 2)
Ep 13: Medical Evidence Part 1 (Single Bullet Theory Part 1)
Ep 12: Dealey Plaza (Part 4)
Ep 11: Dealey Plaza (Part 3)
Ep 10: Dealey Plaza (Part 2)
Ep 9: Dealey Plaza (Part 1)
Recap & Rebuttals Part 1 (Episodes 3-8) Featuring Alex Hastie from Ohio v. The World
Ep 8: Oswald's Rifle (Part 2)
Episode 7: Oswald's Rifle (Part 1)
Episode 6: How Did Oswald Depart the Building - a Bus, Then a Cab or a Nash Rambler?
Episode 5: How Did Oswald Get the Gun Into the Building? Are his Fingerprints in the Sniper's Nest?
Bonus Episode 1: